Duration of surgery

2-3 hour
Duration of hospitalization

1 night
Length of stay in hotel

4 night
Breast Augmentation Before After Photos
With the breast augmentation procedure, you can achieve the look of your dreams; in a short time! Some women consider breast augmentation surgery because they find their breasts unbalanced with the rest of their bodies. Other women resort to this procedure when they notice that their body has changed significantly, for example, due to pregnancy or weight loss.
However, whatever the reason, breast augmentation gives an aesthetic appearance, restores the imbalance in your body, and gives you perfect self-confidence. Remember, in most cases, your image determines how you present yourself to the world around you. With breast augmentation surgery, not only will your breasts grow, but you will also have a much more natural and youthful appearance. Don’t you want to have a body like Hollywood stars?
Breast augmentation is an aesthetic surgical procedure that increases or balances the volume and size of breasts that are small compared to their body structures. In addition, this surgery is very valuable for breast sagging after pregnancy and anatomical problems in breasts that occur with age.
This procedure is preferred by at least 100,000 women worldwide every year, and they get a fresh look. Especially breast augmentation in Turkey is very popular!
There is no age limit for this process, and you can do so anytime. However, the breast augmentation procedure is also a medical procedure. Therefore, you should have a good knowledge of the possibilities and impossibilities of this procedure. Also, how such a breast augmentation takes place and the type of breast prosthesis are essential. Our firm will inform you as much as possible about all aspects of this procedure, including potential complications.
This procedure has many strengths. The most important advantage of the process is that with this surgery, which can take only a few hours, your breast will return to its original state even more effectively. This procedure will save you from these situations if you have small breasts, sagging breasts due to weight loss or pregnancy, and asymmetrical breasts.
However, if you are a smoker, we recommend you stop smoking before this procedure. This is because scars heal more slowly due to nicotine. If you’re overweight, have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), diabetes, heart problems, or autoimmune disease, you should definitely inform our company before the procedure.
A breast volume that is too small can make you feel restless, insecure, or different. Breasts as an organ are one of a woman’s most important external features. You may be insecure about the shape and size of your breasts.
Breast corrections, such as breast augmentation, are the most common cosmetic procedures in the world. With relatively little intervention, you can usually regain your confidence. This procedure completely eliminates this dissatisfaction. In general, ideal candidates for breast augmentation in Turkey should include:
- Being physically healthy
- Absence of conditions such as pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Largely asymmetrical or small breasts
- Complete development of breasts
- Loss of breast volume due to many different reasons (weight loss, aging, and pregnancy)
- Having deformities in the breasts
An essential part of breast augmentation surgery, the consultation includes assessing whether you’re eligible for the surgery and the procedure’s benefits, risks, and costs. It also includes monitoring your recovery after the procedure, ensuring there’re no potential complications, or ensuring they are managed and addressed as soon as possible.
Our company considers all possibilities for you to have a comfortable, comfortable, and successful surgical procedure in Turkey. In addition, our company’s professionals will always be with you in every question for breast augmentation. In the first meeting, you will make for breast augmentation in Turkey; you can convey your requests regarding the procedure to our company representative. Our professionals will answer your initial questions in detail and review your medical history with you.
Our expert will also show you before and after photos of the results of breast augmentation surgeries. Thus, you will receive answers to all your questions before the breast augmentation. We will summarize your treatment plan and discuss the total costs in the following process. This process takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes, and we aim to inform you as clearly and thoroughly as possible.
After the first meeting, you will make another phone call with our consultant. The purpose of this meeting is to inform you about all the issues we need to arrange for your treatment.
Types of Breast Implants
If you’re considering breast augmentation in Turkey, you can find a lot of information online about your options. Yet we often hear misinformation given, and it’s entirely possible that you no longer see the wood of the trees. For this reason, the doctor should inform you about the placement of breast prostheses (also called implants).
Let’s start with the shape of the implant first, as this is important for choosing the order of the implant (in front of or behind the chest muscle). You can choose from breast augmentation implant types in the following ways:
- Anatomical prostheses: These breast implants, as the name suggests, are teardrop shaped and therefore resemble the shape of the breast. These implants have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that placing this prosthesis in front of the pectoral muscle is less noticeable. In this case, you need to have sufficient coverage. This means that you should not be too thin and already have some breast tissue, so the implant isn’t very visible. After breast augmentation surgery, your breasts will look very natural again. Another advantage is that you can sometimes get a little lift with a teardrop-shaped implant. One disadvantage of anatomical implants is that they can rotate, and then the shape of the breast may look odd. Another disadvantage is that with an anatomical implant, it’s sometimes less plump in the upper part of the breast, which desires.
- Round breast implants: Round prostheses also have some advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that this isn’t a problem if they’re working. Another advantage is more padding in the upper part of the chest (and décolleté). The downside of round implants is that they’re more visible if you place them in front of the pectoral muscle. For this reason, the surgeon usually places round prostheses behind the pectoral muscle. Behind the pectoral muscle, the force puts some pressure on the upper part of the prosthesis and automatically takes a different shape.
- Ergonomic implants: Another type of breast implant that has been popular lately is ergonomic implants. These are implants that change shape whether you lie or stand.
In addition to the shape of the implant, there is also the choice of size, base, and profile you need to make to achieve the desired result. The ‘cc’ number usually indicates the volume or size of the implant. We can give an example of breast augmentation with 200 or 300 ccs. In addition, there’re, of course, smaller, larger volumes and all intermediate volumes such as 185 cc or 410 ccs.
The profile is the distance of the implant from the chest wall and determines the fullness of the breast. Profiles can be low, medium, high, or extra high. For example, a 300 cc medium-profile prosthesis with a diameter of 11,5 cm has a height of 3,9 cm, while the same amount of 300 ccs filling in a high profile has a size or protrusion of 4.9 cm.
Breast augmentation implant types are also in different shapes according to their forms. The shell of an implant is usually silicone. This enclosure can be straight or rougher.
Many surgeons widely use rough implants because they can have fewer complications, such as capsular contracture. There is also a sporadic form of lymphoma (ALCL), which occurs more often with implants. There’re rumors that this disease is related to how rough the implants are; therefore, smoother implants are better.
In terms of smoothness, there’re all kinds of varieties. Generally, surgeons use thin prostheses to be considered smooth. The idea is to combine the benefits of being soft and rough. Finally, breast augmentation implant types divide into different types according to their fillings:
- Silicone gel or saline-based implants: Silicones feel more natural than saline-filled dentures. Most of the breast prostheses preferred by surgeons worldwide are silicone-based implants. Each of the fillings has its advantages and disadvantages.
- Saline-filled breast implants: These are saline breast augmentation implants with a smooth or textured surface with saline solution. There’re two types of saline implants. These are saline solution-based implants and implants that the surgeon inserts into the body and then the surgeon fills with your desired volume of saline solution.
Risks and Safety
The breast augmentation procedure is a conscious decision. Knowing that every surgical procedure has risks and complications, even with breast augmentation, is helpful. Most complications aren’t severe and can treat well. Experts have studied the risks of the breast augmentation procedure extensively over the years.
Cohort studies in which women with and without breast augmentation ask to complete a health questionnaire at different times didn’t reveal any significant differences in health complaints. This doesn’t mean complications and complaints will not occur after breast augmentation, but this is true for a small percentage. In general, watch for risks and complications before or during breast augmentation:
- In breast augmentation, we always prefer general anesthesia. Thus, you will not notice or feel anything from the operation. In sporadic cases, there is a risk of side effects and complications with any type of anesthesia, such as injury, nerve damage, allergic reaction, and death.
- It’s doubtful that other parts of your body will damage during the surgery. Nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and lungs are examples of this. Damage can be temporary or permanent. Surgery is even less likely to cause too much damage to the body, mainly if multiple or extensive operations perform simultaneously.
- Very rarely do people have an allergic reaction to this treatment. Always tell your plastic surgeon if you know you have allergies. In any case, this discussion during our acquisition and security checks.
- The risk of bleeding is infrequent, but (severe) bleeding may occur during the operation.
Risks and complications after breast augmentation include:
- After breast augmentation surgery, your breasts may feel sore and tight. This will subside in a few days.
- Stitches may cause skin irritation.
- Bruising and swelling may occur after breast augmentation surgery. The skin may also become locally discolored or thickened.
- There may be bleeding. In severe cases, immediate treatment requires to remove the accumulated blood.
- Your nipples may be less sensitive after breast augmentation surgery. This usually improves within a few weeks to months. However, it can also be permanent.
- Some fluid may accumulate around the implant, disappearing on its own after a few months. Accumulated moisture increases the risk of problems such as infection or encapsulation.
- Very rarely do blood, or fat clots develop in the legs (thrombosis).
- Slightly visible scars are always created during the operation. Complications can arise around the healing of scars (an infection or the opening of a scar).
- Pain, fever, or nausea may indicate a (deep) wound infection. Antibiotics are usually necessary.
- Most breasts are irregular, and there may be a slight difference between the two breasts even after surgery.
- You can feel breast implants. This occurs primarily when very little tissue is between your skin and the implant. In this case, the skin may begin to fold over the breasts. This risk occurs mainly in people with low BMI or little mammary gland tissue.
- A larger implant carries more significant risks for most complications.
Long-term risks and complications of breast augmentation include:
- Encapsulation is expected because a foreign body (implants) is in your body. Your body responds to this by forming a layer of connective tissue around the implant.
- There is a minimal chance for the implants to slip or rotate. You will not notice this in round prostheses. In anatomical prostheses, this may affect the shape of the breast.
- Breast implants can rupture and leak. For example, they can pull due to wear and tear, an accident, or for some unknown reason. When a silicone breast implant ruptures, you won’t notice it at first. The gel contents reach the periphery of the implant but usually remain within the formed capsule. There is no evidence that this is harmful to the body, but right now, experts are still doing research.
Before breast augmentation in Turkey, our plastic surgeon will discuss the prosthesis size with you. You decide which point you want at the preparatory meeting by attaching a prosthesis to the bra. The plastic surgeon will then decide whether this is technically possible and discuss options with you based on your wishes. Breast augmentation surgery generally aims to have breasts suitable for your posture.
Our plastic surgeon has the skills to use any type of breast prosthesis available today. This approach to breast augmentation guarantees you a ‘tailor-made solution.’ We believe you should always go for a natural result and what suits you best. Our wish after breast augmentation surgery is that you are delighted with the result.
The surgeon also discusses the location of the scars. As with any surgery, your permanent scars will be minimal in breast augmentation surgery. You’ll often hardly notice them because of their markings, location, and color. After breast augmentation surgery, your nipples may be more and less sensitive. Usually, the feeling improves within a few months.
However, this isn’t always the case. In principle, the function doesn’t block. Therefore, it’s still possible for you to breastfeed. The doctor places the prosthesis under the glandular tissue or the pectoral muscle. Examinable for nodules or other abnormalities. The operation performs under general anesthesia. During the preparation phase, you should pay attention to the following:
- Stop aspirin, and anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant-based treatments 10 to 15 days before the procedure (to reduce the risk of bleeding)
- Stop smoking 1 to 2 months before and 1 to 2 months after surgery (to avoid impeding healing)
- Stop taking oral contraception one month before the procedure (to reduce the risk of thromboembolism)
- Before the operation, you should clean the armpits with scissors, razors, or depilatory cream. This makes the process more hygienic.
Procedure Steps
In general, the breast augmentation procedure in Turkey consists of the following steps:
- Anesthesia
Our plastic surgeon will start by administering general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to keep you comfortable and numb the area during the breast augmentation procedure. With our doctor, you will decide on the type of anesthesia best suits your particular needs.
- Incision Procedure
At a later stage, the surgeon will make an incision, usually in an inconspicuous area, to minimize the appearance of scarring. There’re three common incision points: Around the nipple, the base of the breast, or the inframammary fold.
- Implant placement
Your surgeon will place the breast augmentation implant under the pectoral muscle (submuscular insertion) or directly behind your breast tissue (under-breast insertion), depending on the type of implant you prefer and your preferences. The main reason for placing an implant behind the pectoral muscle is related to the thickness of the skin and the degree of adipose tissue. If the skin isn’t thick enough, the implant may become visible when the surgeon places it in front of the pectoral muscle. This creates an unnatural result. The surgeon closes the pocket after placing the prosthesis.
- Final (Wound closure)
Finally, your doctor will close the incisions using sutures, adhesives, or surgical tape so your skin can heal properly. A good surgeon knows how to close incisions to minimize scarring properly.
Breast augmentation surgery generally takes 1.5 to 2 hours from start to finish. However, the procedure may take longer depending on the surgical technique and whether you opt for simultaneous mastopexy or breast lift. Contrary to popular belief, people who prefer larger implants don’t experience a more extended recovery period after breast augmentation surgery.
After breast augmentation surgery in Turkey, you will always stay in the hospital for one night and be able to return to your hotel the day after the procedure. After breast augmentation, you can start with easy-to-digest foods such as water, tea, and rusks. You will also wear a special bra after surgery. This bra is essential for the health of your breasts.
After this surgery, you must take good care of yourself to protect your breasts and aid healing. Follow the breast augmentation recovery phase:
- Repair
You may experience the following after breast augmentation surgery:
- Throbbing or tightness in your breasts
- Burning sensation in your nipples
- Numb nipples
- One breast is more swollen and painful than the other
Generally, you need 3 to 8 days to recover after the breast augmentation procedure. After 3 or 5 days, you will notice that the swelling starts to decrease gradually with the treatment.
- Scars
In the breast augmentation procedure, scars are located precisely in the skin fold under the breast. On average, this scar size is 4 to 5 cm. The surgeon does everything to make the wound invisible. Initially, the scars will be red and swollen. After a few weeks, this disappears until scarcely visible. It may take several years for the scars to settle fully. During this time, it is helpful to keep the scars away from the sun and take good care of them. You can do this with a special care cream from the clinic. Also, always use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for the first year to protect your skin.
- Use of cream
During your first examination, the surgeon will recommend you a care cream. When the wound is closed, and the crusts disappear, you can start applying the wound cream. You increase the chances of excellent healing by rubbing this into the closed wound twice daily.
- Drugs
Breast prostheses locate under the pectoralis major muscle. As a result, the force may feel sore and stiff for the first few days when it stretches. Therefore, you should relatively rest and avoid heavy exertion during this period. In addition, the surgeon will recommend you some drugs for pain and infection. You should use them carefully.
- Massage
Apply ice for 10 to 15 minutes twice daily for the first week after the breast augmentation. Never put ice directly on the skin; use a towel. After two weeks, you can start massaging both breasts to increase scarring and create smooth scars.
You can easily see the results of breast augmentation surgery in Turkey shortly. You will feel some discomfort at first. But over time, you will enjoy your new breasts to the fullest. After 6 to 7 weeks, the swelling will disappear completely, and you will see the result. The redness of the scars also disappears in the following months. That’s why you can see the final result of breast augmentation only after a few months. In practice, we often hear that women live a much more confident life after the procedure.
Many women are happy with the result of breast augmentation surgery, but sometimes it can be desirable. Your breasts weren’t utterly symmetrical before surgery and will not be after surgery. This may be related to the difference in volume in your breasts, but the difference in breast fold height also plays a role. Usually, after a while, you will get almost unnoticeable scars. Very rarely is a second operation required after the primary breast augmentation to achieve optimal results.
You will immediately notice that your breasts are more prominent. But it’s common for the breasts to be slightly higher after surgery. As the incisions heal, breast implants gradually settle into their correct places, providing the natural results you want. Several factors affect how long it takes for breast implants to settle into the correct position—another determining factor in choosing an implant size that is proportional to your overall body. You will also notice that your clothes suit you better and you will be able to see the chest you always wanted.
Usually, breast augmentation surgery can also slightly lift the breasts. However, in cases of excessive sagging, you may require additional breast lift surgery. The firmness and volume offered by saline and silicone breast augmentation implants are pretty impressive.
Before and After Photos
Looking at the before and after breast augmentation photos, you can see that the procedure will be very successful. Before and after pics will guide those curious and consider this procedure.
It may be easier to decide on the procedure before and after pictures. They also clearly demonstrate the surgeon’s experience and the implant type’s success.
Cost and Contact
Breast augmentation costs in Turkey vary depending on your current situation, the shape of the silicone you prefer, and the brand and type. One factor that directly affects breast augmentation prices in Turkey is whether your breasts are saggy or not. The cost will increase if you have to sag and want a breast lift procedure. Also, aesthetic surgery costs in Turkey are much more affordable than in other countries.
However, check out other factors that change breast augmentation surgery costs in Turkey:
- Location
- Surgeon’s experience
- Medical tests
- Type of implant
- Drugs
- Type of anesthesia
Are you considering having breast augmentation surgery? We would be happy to inform you about the treatment so you can make an informed choice. You can call us immediately, write to our WhatsApp line or send an e-mail. You can also contact us by filling out the contact form.
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