Duration of surgery

45 Minutes
Duration of hospitalization

Length of stay in hotel

3 nights
Otoplasty or prominent ear surgery is a technique used by specialists to improve the condition of the ears, especially those that generally have an undesirable appearance due to their shape or size. Closely linked to the self-esteem of men and women, this procedure restores well-being and makes the member more symmetrical about other features of the individual’s face.
When it comes to aesthetics, something specific always bothers people the most. Some complain about their nose, some complain about the shape of their face, and some still don’t like their ears. This is precisely where the subject of this article comes into play. Do you know otoplasty?
Such surgical procedures have become increasingly popular in the aesthetic field. For those who think this is just a detail, it is important to remember its massive impact on self-esteem. A protruding ear, commonly known to children, has a severe emotional impact. However, uncomfortable children and adults can resort to surgery to correct this factor.
The otoplasty in Turkey generally refers to the plastic surgery that surgeons perform on the ear. There are different techniques to achieve this, depending on the purpose of each patient. If you think protruding ears are the most significant indicator, know it goes beyond that. Otoplasty is one of the solutions to bring the ears with the edges furthest from the face closer to the head. However, the situation isn’t limited to this because the indications are aesthetic and restorative.
These ears, also known as protruding ears, which are more protruding on both sides, or macrotia, which are large ears, take on ugly shapes. As we have already emphasized, these features often affect a person’s self-esteem and negatively affect their socialization, so it is essential to correct the problem. Based on a relatively simple and non-invasive technique, otoplasty offers excellent results as it restores the shape, symmetry, and overall appearance of the ears in both men and women.
After administering general anesthesia, our surgeons make a small incision at the back of the ear and then enter the ear’s natural curve. In this sense, it is worth remembering that the techniques they use vary according to the purpose of the procedure. To minimize protruding ears, specialists may remove excess skin and weaken the cartilage, making it less rigid. In some cases, they may reduce the size of the ears by removing some of the cartilage and spare tissue. In the final part of the procedure, specialists use sutures to secure the cartilage behind the ear at the new angle.
Although otoplasty in Turkey is a minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t require much special care, and the healing takes place very calmly, you should remember that there may be contraindications. For this, our surgeons should evaluate your general condition. As a rule, the necessary post-operative care includes a balanced diet, complete rest, and avoidance of excessive sunlight.
The most recommended period for this type of surgical technique by specialists is childhood. In children, for example, it can be more detrimental to sociability. On the other hand, it is imperative to emphasize that certain factors may prevent the procedure from being performed, as it contraindicates for both children and adults in the following cases:
- There is a predisposition to keloids or unsightly scars
- Repeated and excessive exposure of the patient to sunlight
- The surgical candidate has autoimmune diseases such as recurrent polychondritis (which can alter the cartilage and jeopardize proper healing)
- There may be significant changes in the pre-operative examinations, mainly due to clotting problems, diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension, or heart disease.
What is Otoplasty?
Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to eliminate or correct the abnormal contours of the ears, i.e., prominent ears, commonly known as protruding ears. However, in other cases, such as sequelae of trauma, congenital absence of ears, or other anomalies, specialists also treat these problems using otoplasty techniques. These problems can be unilateral or bilateral or involve both ears differently. In both cases, the primary outcome is psychosocial because these ear anomalies don’t affect hearing.
This aesthetic problem often causes self-esteem issues and anxiety, whether in childhood or adulthood; it can affect relationships with other people, and in these cases, it is essential to consider surgery. Ear interventions are required to reduce prominent ear defects and correct shape, size, and angle defects.
Otoplasty procedure in Turkey refers to surgeons repairing ears congenitally or deformed due to an injury. This type of procedure can have two primary purposes. The first is repair, trying to correct the defect, while the second is to have an aesthetic goal, aiming at the harmony of the ear’s shape, volume, and position.
The degree of protruding ear deformity can range from the mildest to the most severe. However, the indication for surgery depends on the patient’s dissatisfaction. Anyone who meets the conditions can undergo surgery. Even people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes can undergo surgery. The minimum age to perform this surgery is four years old. At this age, the child’s ear has already reached adult size, and it would be logical to perform surgical intervention. Our specialists can operate on all patients over this age, whether male or female. In other words, there is no maximum age limit, and patients can have surgery anytime.
Although it is a minimally invasive surgery, the specialists perform otoplasty in the operating room. Specialists make an incision behind the ear, exposing the cartilage, which they shape with sutures. The surgeons then place the sutures concealed, taking into account their position and size. Depending on the problem, you may need other interventions to treat functional or purely aesthetic issues. The surgeons place a bandage over the ears to protect the operated area, which must stay on for 24 hours. Specialists usually perform the surgery under general anesthesia. Regardless of the type of anesthesia, the fact that it is a minimally invasive procedure makes the post-operative period much more accessible and allows the patient to return home after the procedure. Specialists usually apply dressings with a healing ointment and gauze. On average, the operation takes 1-2 hours.
Who are the Ideal Candidates for Otoplasty Procedure?
Our specialists perform otoplasty procedures in Turkey, starting from the age of 6. In adulthood, they can change the appearance of the ears at any time. Regardless of age, large, protruding, or asymmetrical ears can be a source of embarrassment for some people. These conditions can cause psychological and behavioral trauma and even damage social life. Otoplasty in Turkey is an ear correction surgery divided into two purposes:
- Aesthetic: It aims to correct the ear projection and repair the antihelix, which is often prominent in this case. The surgery corrects asymmetries, angulation, and size.
- Restorative: Corrects problems such as microtia (ears that are too small), anotia (lack of auricle), and sequelae caused by trauma and failed surgeries.
Check out the ideal candidates for otoplasty in Turkey in general:
- Those without life-threatening diseases or untreated ear infections.
- People with no healing problems.
- Patients without heart problems or anemia.
- In addition to the previous details, when it comes to children, they should not object during the preliminary interview and should follow medical advice.
- It is also necessary to have realistic expectations about the outcome and to be aware of risks such as bleeding, slow healing, pain, and the need for a new surgical procedure.
What to Expect at the Otoplasty Consultation?
If you are considering otoplasty, the initial consultation is an essential step. Take a look at what you can typically expect during an otoplasty consultation in Turkey:
- Our surgeons will ask questions about your medical history, including previous surgeries, allergies, medications you are taking, and other health conditions.
- Expect to discuss your reasons for wanting otoplasty and the specific goals you have in mind. Understanding what you hope to achieve with the surgery would be best.
- Our surgeons will examine your ears in detail. This includes assessing both ears’ size, shape, symmetry, and position. They may also examine the quality and elasticity of your ear skin and cartilage.
- The specialists will explain the procedure in detail, including the surgical techniques they plan to use, the location of the incisions, and the results.
- All surgeries come with potential risks. Experts will explain possible complications associated with otoplasty, such as infection, bleeding, poor scarring, or asymmetry.
- They will tell you about the expected recovery time, post-operative care, activity restrictions, and when you can return to work or school. It may be a good idea to come prepared with a list of questions to ensure you cover all your concerns.
What are the Risks of Otoplasty?
Otoplasty is a very safe surgical intervention, the results of which can be predicted by experts, and as long as you follow all the advice of our surgeons, complications usually don’t occur. However, there are always some risks inherent in any surgery or anesthesia. But, these risks are rare if you follow some recommendations such as proper techniques, post-operative care, preparation, and selection. Although rare, the main complications include bleeding, hematoma, pain, more edema (swelling) than expected, infection, and others.
In the results you expect, there is a risk of asymmetry, loss of correction angle, and return to deformity, especially in adult ears with stiffer cartilage. In most cases, specialists avoid these situations, but new surgical intervention is required if they occur. Take a look at the risks of otoplasty in Turkey in general:
- Although rare, some patients may have adverse reactions to anesthesia.
- Any surgical procedure carries the risk of infection. Appropriate aftercare helps to minimize this risk. You may also develop a hematoma. Hematomas are pools of blood that can form after surgery. Surgeons may need to drain them.
- Scarring is a natural result of surgery. However, sometimes, scars may be raised, itchy, or discolored. Sometimes, the surgical wound may take longer to heal than expected. Temporary or permanent numbness may occur after surgery.
- In some cases, there may be asymmetry. The ears are fixed backward, very close to the head, and can cause an unnatural appearance.
- You may not get the results you want. This may require a second operation.
- The stitches that specialists use to reshape the ear cartilage may loosen or come out of the skin. Because of the changes to the cartilage, your ears may feel stiffer after the procedure.
- The ears may gradually return to their original position or shape over time. There may be skin irregularities or discoloration. Sometimes, the texture or color of the skin in the ear may change after surgery.
- Temporary or permanent changes in ear sensation may occur. Some patients may experience chronic pain or discomfort at the surgery site.
How Do You Prepare for the Otoplasty Procedure?
Preparation for the procedure is critical. It would be best to stop taking certain medications and supplements that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and vitamin E. If you smoke, you will probably need to quit well before the surgery, as smoking can negatively affect healing. Specialists may perform blood or other diagnostic tests to ensure you are healthy.
Make sure you have a comfortable place to rest and recover after surgery. Avoid salty foods that can increase swelling. Have over-the-counter painkillers (as approved by your surgeon) readily available. Prepare cold compresses or ice packs to help reduce swelling and discomfort after the procedure. Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding fasting (generally, don’t eat or drink after midnight the day before the process). Wear loose, comfortable clothing that doesn’t require pulling over your head.
We recommend our valued patients protect their health by cooperating with our surgeons before undergoing auricular aesthetic surgery. Also, if you have a history of surgery or illness, discuss this with your surgeon.
Otoplasty in Turkey: How is It Done?
Otoplasty in Turkey is a unique procedure to reshape or reposition the ears. Our specialists can perform this procedure on both children and adults who are unhappy with the appearance of their ears because they protrude too much from the head or are too large. Check out the steps of an otoplasty procedure in Turkey:
- Anesthesia
Depending on the extent of the surgery and your age, our specialists will administer anesthesia to ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.
- Incision
Our surgeons make an incision behind the ear, in the natural fold where the ear meets the head. This allows you to hide any resulting scarring. For some procedures, specialists may also make small incisions on the front of the ear.
- Reshaping and repositioning
Doctors will remove excess cartilage or skin if necessary. Surgeons will reshape the cartilage to achieve the look you want. This involves surgeons folding the cartilage back on itself or using permanent internal sutures to hold the cartilage in its new shape.
- Final
After achieving the desired shape and position, specialists close the incisions using external sutures. After the procedure, surgeons will apply a sterile bandage around the head to support the new part of the ears and minimize swelling.
After the surgery, you may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which usually subsides after a few days. You should avoid any activity that may bend the ears for at least one month after surgery. It is important to remember that individual experiences may vary, and not all otoplasties follow precisely the same steps.
Recovery Process After Otoplasty
As with other procedures, otoplasty requires some post-operative care. You may need protection in the form of a helmet for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Using this band increases the chances of success of the surgery. Recovery is relatively quick.
In children, depending on the type of correction the specialists have done and to avoid the risk of injury to the newborn baby if the edema is more severe, they should stay home for a week, after which they can return to school. Adults can usually return to their routine after two days. However, the recovery period should last for one month. Take a look at the recovery process after otoplasty in Turkey:
- When bathing, leave the wound area clean and dry and wash and dry it carefully at the end of the bath.
- You should avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible to prevent blemishes and swelling. We also recommend rest during the two-week recovery period. In addition to playing sports, you should avoid activities requiring great physical effort.
- Another essential precaution is to pay attention to the incision site. If you scratch the area too much, you risk breaking the stitches and thus damaging the final result or even having to undergo a new operation. Rubbing the area during healing can also trigger inflammation there. Therefore, you must avoid scratching the site and follow all other instructions.
- There is usually no pain after the operation; you may only feel discomfort. However, if you feel pain, our specialists will usually prescribe painkillers. If the pain is severe, you should contact your doctor for observation. Specialists may also prescribe anti-inflammatories to improve the edema (swelling).
- You may feel some itching due to the edema caused by the operation. However, you should avoid scratching the affected area, as it will be less sensitive, and a simple scratch will damage the skin. This can cause bleeding or carry bacteria into the scar and cause infection. There is also a risk that the stitches may tear, which could change the final result or even require a new operation.
- It is typical for edema and redness to appear for the first few days. Initially, physical activity should be light to avoid injury to the affected area.
- Be careful when wearing glasses as they can damage the area behind the ear.
When Will You See the Results of the Otoplasty?
In prominent ear correction surgery, the experts correct the position of the ears immediately, and you will notice the change immediately after the surgery. After a few weeks, you will still have some edema (swelling). This problem, however, decreases and will continue to decrease over the next few months.
The results of otoplasty in Turkey, you can predict. However, it isn’t mathematical as in other surgeries because healing doesn’t occur in the same way in every patient. Exceptionally, there are cases where the ears aren’t entirely asymmetrical; there are cases of reconstruction and where you will need a new surgical procedure. In otoplasty, specialists hide the scar behind the ear. There are also cases where doctors must make an incision in the front of the ear. However, specialists try to hide them in the natural folds of the skin.
Compared to other plastic surgeries, the most significant advantage of this surgery is that the results don’t take too long to appear. It is already possible to see about 80% of the final result immediately after the first dressing. However, it is essential to remember that the area is swollen, which should return to normal within three weeks.
How Much Does Otoplasty Cost?
The cost of otoplasty in Turkey can vary greatly depending on several factors. Your location significantly affects the cost. Also, otoplasty prices in Turkey usually don’t only cover the surgeon’s fee but include all costs such as anesthesia, facility fees, or other related expenses. But no matter what, the price of otoplasty in Turkey is almost four times lower than in other countries such as the UK and the US.
Otoplasty is one of the leading ear aesthetic surgeries, and when you choose the right hands, it produces impressive results that increase your self-confidence and improve your quality of life. iMed Medical stands out in the sector with its experienced surgeons specializing in this field, state-of-the-art technological equipment, and patient satisfaction-centered approach. We know that each patient is unique, and we offer tailor-made treatment plans.
By choosing iMed Medical, you can be sure you will receive the highest service standards in your otoplasty process. Experience the difference of being side by side with iMed Medical in your beauty and health journey.