Duration of surgery

1-2 hour
Duration of hospitalization

2 night
Length of stay in hotel

2 night
Gastric Sleeve Before After Photos
The gastric sleeve procedure is a surgical solution to overcome the problems of excess weight and treat obesity, which is abundant in our modern age. Gastric sleeve surgery is a bariatric surgical procedure that involves reducing the size of the stomach to limit the amount of food you can eat, helping you shed extra pounds.
This restrictive procedure works by permanently removing a large portion of your stomach that can only hold a small amount of food and also involves removing the part responsible for secreting the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin to reduce appetite. After the surgery, you will feel full after eating much less food and less hungry between meals.
Some of the advantages of gastric sleeve in Turkey are that it requires a relatively short hospital stay, doesn’t require food diversion, and causes positive changes in gut hormones that help reduce hunger, suppress appetite, and improve satiety. Our specialist bariatric surgery team in Turkey will help you decide if this gastric sleeve surgery is a good option.
The gastric sleeve in Turkey is one of the most popular weight loss and bariatric surgeries that reduce the size of the stomach by removing approximately 70-85% of its size. Gastric sleeve is one of the essential obesity surgeries. However, certain conditions must be met regarding weight, age, and health status. Also, it has many advantages as it eliminates obesity, and the surgery can be successful. The patient must follow the post-operative recommendations and diet to achieve successful results.
The gastric sleeve procedure comes in a series of time developments where it starts with cutting the stomach, then using the endoscope, followed by the sensitive gastric sleeve. Thanks to the successful experience of the procedure, it has been widely accepted by doctors performing it. However, since this procedure has advantages and benefits, the surgeon may avoid some risks. After surgery, the stomach becomes a tube-shaped passage similar to a banana or a small bowl, which helps reduce the amount of food a person eats.
It is impossible to reverse the gastric sleeve surgery process or replace the removed part. But the stomach can expand over time by eating large amounts of food.
What is Gastric Sleeve?
A gastric sleeve is an essential procedure that involves removing a large portion of the stomach. Overweight people are always looking for a way to lose weight. The best way for people with moderate obesity is to exercise and have a healthy diet. However, you can consider this procedure if weight loss doesn’t occur after six months of proper exercise and nutrition.
Among the types of surgery, the gastric sleeve is one of the most common and popular methods, which reduces the volume of the stomach and the appetite. The surgeon removes 80% of the patient’s belly from the gastric sleeve. Therefore, we can say that this operation is irreversible.
For a gastric sleeve, a person’s Body Mass Index must be over 33, so one of a person’s main symptoms is being overweight.
In today’s world, where physical activities have decreased significantly and the use of fast food has increased dramatically, we are witnessing a sharp increase in the rate of obesity. As is known, obesity causes by inactivity and an unhealthy diet. This causes other problems and diseases that can be dangerous to humans. For this reason, overweight people are always looking for a way to lose weight. Exercise and a healthy diet are the best way to lose weight for people with moderate to controllable obesity.
However, sometimes the problem of obesity becomes too extreme and severe and cannot be easily compensated, and in these cases, people turn to other means, including various surgeries. Among the types of surgery, gastric sleeve surgery reduces stomach volume and ultimately reduces appetite. It is one of the most common and frequently used weight loss methods. Our gastric balloon and gastric bypass surgeries in Turkey are other ways to lose weight.
Who are the Ideal Candidates for Gastric Sleeve?
A gastric sleeve is a surgical procedure in which part of the stomach remove so that the person cannot eat as much as before and feel full faster. Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is one of the weight lifting surgeries, which are surgeries aimed at helping obese patients to lose their extra weight and reducing the risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Weight surgery is usually resorted to in some cases when a person is unable to lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise. Thanks to this process, you will lose weight by limiting your food intake.
It results in your stomach taking the form of a tube or sleeve that contains less food. While the gastric sleeve initially designs as an initial, two-step procedure for obese or high-risk patients, ideal candidates for a gastric sleeve now are those with a BMI over 33. It widely and successfully uses as a weight loss procedure.
Above all, the patient needs to demonstrate their commitment to treating obesity and related health conditions through a treatment program that includes weight loss surgery and lifestyle and behavioral changes. Check out the ideal candidates for gastric sleeve in Turkey:
- Since the gastric sleeve is suitable for ages 16 to 65, there are no special conditions to eliminate obesity.
- Suppose obesity has a detrimental effect on them in terms of mobility difficulties, various obesity complications, or psychological harm caused to the patient due to obesity. In that case, the surgeon can perform a laparoscopic gastric sleeve in exceptional circumstances under 16 years of age.
- The surgeon can also perform this operation on people over 65, provided all medical examinations and x-rays take if the situation permits.
- After the characteristics of the people who can act are known, the question arises of who cannot do this action. This surgery doesn’t recommend for people who have the habit of eating small meals and eating a lot because after the surgery, by consuming large amounts of food, the stomach volume will increase again, and the excess weight will gradually increase.
What happens at the Gastric Sleeve Consultation?
Gastric sleeve consultation is essential. For this, in the first stage, you should make sure that you are a suitable candidate for gastric sleeve surgery before taking action and making a decision. Some criteria are determined by the World Health Organization for those who want to have this surgery, some of which we have mentioned above.
Of course, we should also mention that even if you conclude that you are a suitable candidate for gastric sleeve surgery in your own opinion and even by looking at the features announced by the World Health Organization, our specialist will still make the final decision. At this time, after checking your physiological characteristics, you should visit our specialist. After you decide to do this, you should call our specialist surgeon in this field and consult our doctor about your weight loss surgery.
During this session, the surgeon will discuss the types of surgery, their advantages, and their disadvantages. In addition, our doctor will assist you in deciding which surgery or route is more suitable for you, based on your goals and body physique. You should also contact our nutritionist while going through all these stages. Because the diet you eat before and after the surgery is essential and plays a vital role in your health and the effectiveness of your surgery.
For this reason, one of the most important of these is that an overweight person should be under the supervision of a specialist surgeon and a specialist nutritionist from the moment they decide on this procedure until a while after the gastric sleeve.
What are the Gastric Sleeve Risks?
Complications encountered in such surgeries can also be seen in gastric sleeve surgery. There are three most common complications. These are bleeding, or partial separation of the suture line, leakage of gastric fluid, or swallowing liquid, solid foods into the abdominal cavity, that is, leakage and coagulation. This clot is also called an embolus.
Also, eating large amounts of food that exceeds the stomach’s capacity after surgery causes it to expand again. A healthy diet and not exercising to maintain the results after the surgery also poses a risk.
The leakage probability of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is 1%. However, our experienced bariatric surgeon can easily manage this leakage. Otherwise, the consequences could be very dire. Post-leak treatment can be provided with catheter placement with USG and barite stent placement with endoscopy. Some of the precautions taken for some complications can explain as follows:
- Pulmonary embolism may occur after surgery. For this reason, patients are given blood thinners 12 hours before the surgery or blood thinners 6 hours after the surgery. You can wear high-pressure knee compression stockings. To prevent pulmonary embolism after gastric sleeve, the patient starts walking after 2-3 hours. Another pulmonary complication is the emptying of part of the lung. To prevent this situation, atelectasis, chest exercises are given to the patient in the early period after gastric sleeve surgery.
- One of the most critical long-term surgical complications that may occur after gastric sleeve surgery is the development of gastric stenosis. It usually treats endoscopically to expand these limitations. Sometimes this process may require more than one endoscopic intervention.
- Another complication is dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome, a difficult-to-treat complication, is recognized by the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia that usually occurs after meals.
- One of the most well-known risks of this procedure is malnutrition, where the body will begin to suffer and must compensate with the vitamins recommended by our treating doctor. The main reason is poor absorption; most procedures tie to slimming. The absorption process is excellent for these oils to reduce the number of substances entering the body and prevent their storage. But poor absorption in the body is a big problem when the body starts to suffer due to the lack of minerals, vitamins, and nutritional bases.
- Another less common complication of gastric sleeve surgery is a deficiency of B vitamins, iron, folic acid, and vitamin D. It is necessary to be examined by our obesity surgeon at regular intervals and to get support from a bariatric dietitian.
- Wound infection may also develop on the skin after gastric sleeve surgery. Most of these complications have effective preventative measures and treatments that surgeons can implement if they occur.
- When you eat more than your stomach can absorb, you experience persistent nausea and vomiting with adverse effects such as malnutrition and infections in the pharynx and esophagus that return stomach acid when you vomit with food.
- As a result of the surgery being dependent on creating large wounds or minor wounds, of course, the patient is at risk of these wounds or infections. For this reason, you must take care of your wounds, clean them and disinfect them constantly.
How to Prepare for Gastric Sleeve Procedure?
Preparing for the gastric sleeve procedure requires your attention and regularity. Check out the essential elements to consider:
- The first thing you will do is psychological preparation. You should know that this process will completely change the system and routine of your previous life. Be careful that the process and its consequences force you to give up your old eating habits and move on to a new and healthy lifestyle. If you’re not ready, you could become depressed or traumatized by such a drastic change in your body.
- Start exercising before the surgery because, after the gastric sleeve, you will need to make it a part of your day. Therefore, start slowly.
- You have to change your eating habits; the process will reduce the amount of food you can eat. For this reason, you need to get used to consuming healthy and nutritious foods and stop as soon as you feel full.
- Avoid fatty and sugary foods because they will not find a place in your small stomach after the gastric sleeve.
- Start taking vitamins so that your body doesn’t experience vitamin deficiencies and deficiencies in functions related to them.
- Don’t forget to drink water.
- Before the procedure, stop smoking and don’t take blood thinners.
- If you are taking any medication, tell your doctor and ask if you need to stop during the gastric sleeve.
- Avoid heavy foods and large meals the day before the surgery, and focus more on water and drinks.
- Completely stop eating after midnight before the surgery, as you must be on an empty stomach before the gastric sleeve.
What is the procedure for Gastric Sleeve?
The gastric sleeve procedure in Turkey is relatively quick and highly successful. Our surgeon, who will perform the process, is an expert in the field; the surgeon has completed dozens of successful surgeries. Take a closer look at the gastric sleeve procedure steps in Turkey:
- Anesthesia
Gastric sleeve in Turkey is performed laparoscopically with the keyhole technique under general anesthesia. Usually, the procedure takes between 1 and 2 hours.
- Incision
During the procedure, our specialist surgeon makes several small incisions in your stomach to insert a laparoscope and other surgical instruments to divide your stomach. The surgeon removes the right part of your stomach with the ghrelin hormones with surgical instruments. In contrast, the left side of your stomach is separated with staples, creating a smaller, tubular stomach. In this procedure, the surgeon reduces the size of your stomach by 40% to 80% without affecting the sphincters in the upper and lower parts of your stomach.
- Final
After completing these procedures, the surgeon uses sterile tape with biodegradable sutures to close the incision site to allow healing.
How is the Recovery After Gastric Sleeve?
It is normal to feel pain after gastric sleeve in Turkey, and you can continue to take analgesics for the first week. After the gastric sleeve, you should avoid all heavy physical exertion and sports that can significantly affect your abdomen and cause severe pain. This slows down your recovery rate and may result in physical work in the event of a surgical incision. Be careful not to damage your stitches and to prevent possible bleeding. Remember, you can return to your social life after one month unless your doctor tells you otherwise:
- When you eat something for the first time, you will immediately notice the difference. Then, as you continue to eat, you will feel full in a short time. At first, you may feel nauseous all the time during meals. You may have diarrhea afterward. Over time, you will quickly get used to the amount of food your stomach can take, and all of your symptoms will disappear.
- For the first month, our specialist will give you a minimal list of fluids that your gut can tolerate, along with foods that will allow your stomach to repair.
- Don’t try to overeat after gastric sleeve surgery as this will lead to two things: One is vomiting, and the other is re-expansion of the stomach. This will render your surgery useless, so stop at once.
- There is an essential fact that some people overlook that this is an operation that reduces your stomach and isn’t a shaping or liposuction procedure. So it won’t reduce your weight alone without your help.
- After gastric sleeve surgery, you must follow a healthy and beneficial diet.
- It would be best to exercise regularly to get rid of excess weight.
- Gastric sleeve surgery helps you reduce the amount of food and prevent you from gaining more than your weight, and you should take advantage of this to change your eating and lifestyle habits.
- To avoid exposing the stomach to health problems, follow the diet recommended by the doctor.
- After the gastric sleeve, do the exercises recommended by your doctor.
- Chew food thoroughly to facilitate stomach digestion.
- Don’t mix food and drink so the stomach isn’t expos to the pressure that causes GERD.
- Commit to taking all vitamins and supplements prescribed by your doctor.
- Eating small amounts of food at regular intervals to facilitate digestion.
- Only eat when you feel hungry.
- Drink at least 1,5 or 2 liters of water per day.
- Avoid caffeine in beverages like coffee.
- You should not start sports without your doctor’s approval. You can let your doctor know in which branches you will work. After three months, you can start slowly. After six weeks, you can do swimming and fitness with your doctor’s approval, but be careful not to move your stomach and lift weights.
- Although each patient has different answers, protein is the most critical component of your diet. Consuming at least 6-8 glasses of decaffeinated, calorie-free, non-carbonated beverages daily and not drinking anything half an hour before meals will help prevent nausea. It would be best to avoid carbohydrates, bread, pasta, and rice when switching to solid foods one month after the gastric sleeve.
When will you see Gastric Sleeve Results?
Gastric sleeve results in Turkey are generally successful. After gastric sleeve surgery, many people have achieved impressive results as they lost significant weight quickly.
Statistically, the percentage of weight that gastric sleeve surgery helps to lose is about 60% of the excess weight. You can achieve better results by following the diet and behavioral rules. With innovative food choices, regular exercise, and good eating habits, you can enjoy losing and maintaining weight.
Losing weight quickly has advantages as well as disadvantages. They have penalties such as losing weight and losing much weight in a short time compared to the time and effort spent without a gastric sleeve. However, it has such advantages. If you are experiencing one of the diseases caused or worsened by obesity and losing weight, you will notice that your health will improve. After gastric sleeve surgery and weight loss, you will feel more active, exercise, and exert effort.
How Much Does a Gastric Sleeve Cost?
The cost of a gastric sleeve in Turkey is much lower than in the UK, the US, and other countries. There are many reasons for this. However, the low gastric sleeve prices don’t mean the service will also be low. Thousands of patients prefer gastric sleeve procedures in Turkey every year. The experience and success of surgeons is the biggest reason for this. You can contact us immediately if you want a gastric sleeve in Turkey.