Duration of surgery

1-2 hour
Duration of hospitalization

1 night
Length of stay in hotel

3 night
It isn’t always possible to keep the belly button straight after pregnancy or sudden weight loss because stretch marks and extra folds may appear. Such defects prevent patients from enjoying their figures. Our plastic surgeon will help correct the defect with belly button correction or umbilicoplasty. The scope of this operation is considered small, but it can give a good result that will please the patient.
Patients usually perform belly button correction in Turkey after significant weight loss, several pregnancies, several liposuction surgeries, failed abdominal surgeries, or a belly button piercing that causes an allergic or inflammatory reaction in the body and leaves visible scarring on the skin.
Before it became complete plastic surgery, surgeons only performed belly modification in some cases of abdominoplasty that required Tummy Tuck and even navel displacement. But there is such a demand these days regarding proper belly button correction. This hit ranks fourth among the cosmetic surgery procedures we perform in Turkey.
The demands of the patients relate to the remodeling of the navel, or rather the change in its size, that is, the change in the shape and size of the navel. Having a smaller belly is one of the stated conditions. The surgeon usually needs to stretch the skin around the navel to do this. But several abdominoplasty methods can achieve the desired result. One of the popular techniques for belly button correction is the gull navel, which involves guiding the V-shaped letter thesis of the umbilical cord and relocating it to the gull wing, and performing the paraumbilical fat removal with the application of the umbilical cord.
Umbilicoplasty in Turkey is a plastic surgery that aims to change the size, shape, and general appearance of the belly button as well as remove the aesthetic defects of the belly button. The classic norm variant is the navel, a slight funnel-shaped depression located in the midline of the abdomen and at the same distance from the xiphoid process of the chest and pubis. Belly button correction can be performed as an independent surgical intervention or can be one of the stages of a complex of surgical procedures in the area of the anterior abdominal wall. As a separate operation, umbilicoplasty performs in several options; the choice of one of them should base on the condition of the anterior abdominal wall:
- Removal of umbilical hernia. Such surgical intervention involves reducing an existing hernia and strengthening the anterior abdominal wall with a non-absorbable mesh material that protects the umbilical ring from pressure exerted by the internal organs.
- Elimination of umbilical protrusion. Such a surgical intervention implies removing excess tissue and forming a funnel of the necessary depth from the skin flaps.
- Correction of navel depth and size. Such surgical intervention involves making incisions in the navel to recreate the depth and shape of the funnel.
- Restoration of the lost navel. Such a surgical intervention implies the formation of a new navel from a skin flap immersed to the required depth.
- Removal of an existing belly button. Such a surgical intervention requires a rather elegant removal of the umbilical cavity from the surface of the abdomen.
What is Belly Button Correction or Umbilicoplasty?
Belly button correction or umbilicoplasty is a plastic surgery that aims to correct the navel by cutting tissues and removing excess skin. We consider umbilicoplasty as a simple surgery and some rehabilitation. This procedure can do as part of abdominoplasty or abdominal liposuction.
The volume of the intervention is determined by the plastic surgeon after belly button correction consultation, carefully examining the condition of the patient’s tissues and listening to their wishes. Sometimes it is necessary to combine the correction of the navel with removing local fat deposits and the fat apron from the skin with liposuction to achieve a good result.
In such cases, local modification of the navel will not bring the desired effect. That is why you should listen to the opinion of our specialist and carry out the entire operation volume.
Who are Ideal Candidates for Belly Button Correction?
Belly button correction or umbilicoplasty in Turkey is a procedure that can be applied alone or in combination with a Tummy Tuck. If we talk specifically about the indications for belly button correction, there aren’t many of them. These are removing defects such as an incorrect, asymmetrically placed, or retracted navel, umbilical hernia, deformations, and scars that occur after piercing in this area.
Belly button correction is appropriate when it rises above the abdomen’s level (these results from incorrect umbilical cord ligation during childbirth) or creates hygiene problems because it is too deep. Sometimes women are concerned about the T-shape caused by the skin hanging over the vertical slit-like indentation. An overly broad belly is also corrected if it protrudes into a flat stomach. During abdominal operations, the abdomen is stretched, deformed, or completely lost due to pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations. This may also be an indication of belly button correction.
There is no mandatory medical indication for belly button correction or umbilicoplasty because the shape and size of the belly don’t affect the health status and don’t threaten life; we are only talking about aesthetic preferences. As with other similar surgical procedures, belly button correction or umbilicoplasty is contraindicating in the following cases:
- Malignant disease
- Blood coagulation disorders
- Acute infectious conditions
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases
- Diabetes
Defects in this part of the body don’t affect the state of health. Belly button correction does for aesthetic purposes only:
- Elevated position of the navel (relative to the anterior surface of the abdominal wall, the scar protrudes 0.5-1,5 cm).
- Cicatricial deformities of the navel occur against the background of mechanical damage to the skin or an unsuccessful piercing procedure. Then tearing the skin and wearing heavy jewelry causes sagging of soft tissues and scarring.
- T-shaped scar caused by sagging (ptosis) of the skin over the vertical depression of the navel.
- Deep funnel (more than 0,5 cm) complicates hygiene maintenance and contributes to the accumulation of dirt.
- A skin-covered spherical formation inside the umbilical funnel (giving an unaesthetic appearance).
- The broad base of the navel, stretching of the tissues of the umbilical ring, occurs under gradually increasing intra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy and childbirth.
- Wrong location of the navel (violates the visual symmetry of the anterior abdominal wall).
- Restoration of the lost navel caused by surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity.
- Umbilical hernia.
Belly Button Correction Consultation
Consultation requires before considering belly button correction. During the first consultation for belly button correction, our surgeon precisely determines the problems in the navel. Specifically, the surgeon looks for diastasis (separation of the abdominal muscles), navel, or non-aesthetic problems. Also, looking for excess skin and fat (abdominal gown), stretch marks, and unpleasant scars from previous surgeries (including cesarean section), the surgeon evaluates the appearance of the navel and skin condition. This clinical examination makes it possible to determine which repairs to consider to restore the navel.
At the end of this first consultation, the surgeon will give you verbal and written information about belly button correction. If you meet the criteria for belly button correction, you may be required to request prior agreement. Finally, you will give a detailed estimate. Our specialist then plans the intervention after getting your approval.
What are the Risks of Belly Button Correction?
Like any surgery, belly button correction can cause complications. After that, there may be difficulties in the operation, and a hematoma form, without outside help, lasts up to two weeks. Sometimes there is an infection in the wound; to get rid of it, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy. The belly button correction procedure causes abdominal tissue swelling and sometimes a complete loss of sensation in the operation area. In exceptional cases, scars form, and the doctor fights them with special injections. Many people can eliminate such a minor but essential problem with belly button correction.
Belly button correction or umbilicoplasty is a minor surgery, so the associated risks are pretty low. Take a closer look at the risks of belly button correction:
- Bleeding: Normally, after any surgery, there may be blood flow from the wound. This discharge should decrease over time and stop after a few days.
- Infection: Infection can sometimes occur despite sterile surgical techniques. Antibiotics will use to treat the disease if needed.
- Wound dehiscence: A wound dehiscence characterizes by the partial or complete opening of a wound that doesn’t heal well. It can cause by an infection, a large pool of blood, or an inadequate blood supply. The opening is either treated conservatively, that is, with dressing and wound care, or it may require surgery to close it.
- Scars: In the long term, a tiny percentage of patients may develop weak scarring characterized by excessive pigmentation or a raised appearance. The spot develops for a year or two before reaching maturity and having its final impression. Depending on the case and clinical judgment, the surgeon may recommend cortisone injection treatments or minor scar revision surgery.
How to Prepare for the Belly Button Correction Procedure?
The surgeon conducts a survey, takes anamnesis, examines you, and determines the severity of the problems. After that, the optimal operation tactics are selected for each person individually, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, age, the purpose of the intervention, the wishes of the patient, and the belly button correction price calculated.
Then it would be best if you underwent a standard examination to exclude contraindications. The surgeon performs blood tests, EKGs, and fluorography during this process. If necessary, additional studies and consultations of narrow specialists can be appointed. If the test results are good, the therapist concludes that there are no contraindications for plastic surgery. Next, the surgeon will choose the most appropriate anesthesia method, depending on your current state of health and the volume of the upcoming intervention.
Since these bad habits reduce tissue healing, you should quit smoking and alcohol 15-20 days before the belly button correction. For seven days, you need to exclude the use of drugs that thin the blood. This will prevent bleeding during the process. If the doctor prescribes medications to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, you must start the course no later than two weeks before belly button correction.
How is a Belly Button Correction Procedure?
We carefully prepare every transaction in Turkey. Our specialist will discuss all the details during the consultation with you.
All safety precautions are checked several times before commissioning to guarantee the highest possible degree of safety. Our surgeon will answer all your questions on the day of the belly button correction. Our staff will then take you to the operating room.
You will receive general anesthesia for your comfort and well-being. Thanks to long-term anesthesia, you rarely need painkillers on the day of the belly button correction.
Techniques and process
The surgeon transfers the surgical intervention plan you discussed earlier to the skin of the abdomen using a special pen. The surgeon injects a swelling solution into the tissues. The tumescent technique prevents the formation of bruises and allows a gentle operation. The surgeon wears a special magnifying glass for precision work. After removing excess or scar tissue, the skin of the abdomen releases while preserving the blood vessels. The tissue move with fine sutures, and the umbilical retraction reshapes. The belly button correction technique depends on the characteristics of the defect:
- Convex navel correction: The surgeon makes a circular incision along the edge of the inner side of the funnel. The specialist cuts off the excess skin tissue, models the skin fold and moves the scar deeper. Finally, the surgeon fixes it with suture material.
- Change in the depth and shape of the navel: The surgeon makes a semicircular skin incision inside the navel. The specialist removes excess tissue and creates a fold of the required size.
- Belly button reconstruction: The surgeon takes the necessary material from the donor tissues in your belly button and creates a new belly button. Finally, the surgeon fix with suture material.
The surgeon makes all the incisions in the umbilical fold in anticipation of concealing the post-operative scars. Our plastic surgeon will listen to your wishes, perform an examination, prescribe additional tests if necessary, and offer you the best belly button correction methods.
Before returning to the hotel, the surgeon will discuss behavioral measures with you. You will meet with your surgeon constantly to monitor your recovery and well-being. You will receive a report containing the surgeon’s recommendations to speed up and support the healing process.
How is the Recovery After Belly Button Correction?
Hematomas and swelling may remain around the navel immediately after belly button correction in Turkey. The extent and severity of these vary from patient to patient. The bruises disappear spontaneously within 1-2 weeks, and the swelling may continue for a few more weeks, depending on the invasiveness of the belly button correction:
- In general, the rehabilitation period after this procedure doesn’t take much time, only if belly button correction surgery isn’t part of a plastic surgery complex to adjust the shape of the abdomen or remove a hernia.
- After classical belly button correction, you can almost always do your usual work after a few days, except for heavy physical exertion. But don’t forget about maintenance. It is necessary to follow all the surgeon’s recommendations for the care of the operated area to avoid complications or infection. Don’t expose the operation area to heat. To take a bath, you should bathe in a cold shower.
- Actively massage the area around the navel.
- Don’t lift weights or work that requires significant abdominal muscle tension.
- It would be best if you didn’t go to the pool, sauna, solarium, or beach until the stitches have healed. It is also beneficial to contact the surgeon immediately at the first sign of infection (redness, burning), bleeding, or sudden pain.
- You can evaluate the final result in a month and a half at the earliest. You may need further corrective surgery if your belly button appears deformed or one-sided. You should note that the new ideal navel may be deformed or displaced again with significant fluctuations in body weight, pregnancy, or the development of an umbilical hernia.
When Will You See Belly Button Correction Results?
Our plastic surgeons have concluded that in some cases, it is better to use the belly button correction technique to correct some deformities in the belly area while making aesthetic corrections in the abdomen. After that, the scars hid inside the umbilical cavity. This means that the natural deepening will hide all traces of manipulation and will not leave any wounds or scars outside. Thus, the belly button correction technique, which has become a separate aesthetic surgery over time and is increasing in popularity today, emerged.
Belly button correction is a simple surgery in itself (after all, the belly button is by nature a scar after the cut umbilical cord); in most cases, it performs under general anesthesia.
You will be able to see the results of belly button correction in Turkey days after the procedure. However, you will have to wait up to six months to see the final results. During this time, your wounds and the swelling will completely disappear.
What is the Belly Button Correction Cost?
The belly button correction cost in Turkey depends on many factors. This includes techniques. We cannot set a fixed price for this intervention. But what are we not ready for when we want to feel beautiful or aesthetic? So if you want to have a beautiful belly at all costs, this project will not be affected by the price of the intervention.
Belly button correction isn’t one of the most popular surgeries in Turkey, but many people still need it. More often, women seek help.
You can contact us immediately if you want to know how much belly button correction costs now. We promise to do our best to help you with everything.